When you think about roof boots, you generally think about the fashion-forward sneakers that have been around for a long time. But today, we won’t talk about roof boots that are made for walking.

Then what are the roof boots we will talk about, and why should you care?

Defining a roof boot isn’t difficult: it’s a fitting that covers the pipes that lead outside from your plumbing system. It is also called a plumbing vent boot, pipe flashing, or pipe boot. This cover allows the area to be weather-tight and stops drafts from entering your house.

It is an important piece of roofing equipment that every homeowner should have. Here’s a guide to roof boots and why you need one.


What Is A Roof Boot?

A roof boot is a preformed flashing for waterproofing pipe penetrations of a roof, similar to plumbing vent pipes or electrical service mast pipes. It keeps the water out and lets air in, which means that your attic doesn’t have to deal with moisture buildup or mold. Roof boots also prevent water from getting into your house in a storm.

Some roof boots are made with a rubber sleeve that slides over the pipe and snugs it. But it also has a more secure option: a pipe clamp at the top that wraps around the pipe and attaches to the boot. This provides your rubber sleeve with extra stability and durability.


What Should You Care About One?

As the outside temperature changes, your roof contracts and expands. Such a roof puts a lot of stress on your roof boot. A boot that’s not properly secured can shift, peel up or crack — and that results in a less than ideal roofing experience. Water can enter your attic when a damaged or shifting boot compromises your roof. If you leave these issues untreated, water infiltration can lead to complete roof failure.

A faulty roof vent pipe can cause water stains in your kitchen and bathroom. These leaks and stains can be very expensive to repair. If you see your roof vent boot curling or blistering, it’s time to call ROOF TIGER and have them replace the boot.


Winter Storms Can Uncover Problems With Your Roof Boot

Besides changing weather patterns, winter weather can cause water damage that may not be visible. Snow and ice can add a lot of weight to your roof, which may cause the roof to sag and push the boot out of place. This can eventually lead to water infiltration and damage.


Why You Should Replace A Failed Boot ASAP

If you see any problems with your roof boot, contact professionals at ROOF TIGER immediately. A torn or damaged rubber boot can be replaced in no time with little cost to you. Waiting to replace a faulty roof boot can lead to more expensive repairs in the future.

It is an important part of your roofing system. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your home stays safe and dry.