When a storm strikes, it can be hard to tell if your roof sustained damage & but the signs are easy to look out for. Damaged shingles, nail pops, missing granules, and peeling paint around vents and skylights are all indications that repairs may be necessary. If you wait too long to address these issues, they can lead you to bigger headaches & like mold growth, roof rusting, or leaks in your ceiling.

Homeowners need to check for storm-damaged roofs before it becomes a problem. Roofs are an essential part of the home, providing protection from the harsh weather and covering up any other structural damages within the walls.

Signs Of Storm Damaged Roofs

Wind Damage

Missing Shingles: The first sign of roofing damage is missing shingles. Shingles are generally made from asphalt, and they can be damaged by hail, wind, or normal wear and tear. If you notice any missing shingles, it’s wise to have your roof inspected. This is especially important if you live in areas where tornadoes or hurricanes are common.

Broken Flashing: After every storm, we see hundreds of homes with flashings that have been ripped right off roofs. If you’ve got a flashing coming off your home, it’s best to have a professional inspect your property ASAP. Flashings are designed to keep water from the joints between your roof and exterior walls. They’re an essential part of any roof and should never be left exposed.

Loss of Granules: A weather-worn shingle will have thin horizontal lines, which indicate where the granules are wearing off. This will leave a small gap between the shingles below & and cause a flapping sound against the shingle above. This can be prevented by avoiding putting new shingles over old ones, as the seal will be broken after some time. Instead, replace all your shingles when you notice that they’re worn out.

Hail Damage

Dents: Hail can cause severe damage to your roof, so you should look out for hail damage on your home. Hail can cause indentations that are concave in shape and dents that are similar to small divots on the edges of the shingles. Hail can also damage the flashing — paying close attention to this part of your home will help you figure out if there has been any hail damage.

Loss of Granules: Missing granules or large piles of granules near your downspout. The missing granules are easy to explain away, but the large piles of granules are a sign of a more severe problem.

Steer Clear Off Falling Debris

When storms hit, natural debris often causes problems for homeowners. If your roof is damaged, it’s essential to take precautions. Debris can fall and cause cracks in your shingles. This can eventually lead to leaks. If you see debris on top of your roof after a storm, either check it yourself or call a professional to inspect the damage.

If you notice any signs of possible storm-damaged roofs, it is best to act as soon as possible. The longer you wait to check your roof, the longer you are putting yourself, your family, and your property at risk.